Alessandro Gasbarri
  • Misprints


No worries
if computer underlines
some words as mistaken...

Generated in reserve. Confirms truth. Reflector expression. Disturbed diopters emanate overbearing sounds. Feelings take power. Misprints is light. Evil became good and made itself sign. It flows vertically and it gets ready to become a heathen precept. Guttural genus. The rareness of species imposes mystery; mystifies words, but words do not tell the truth, they put on the trail of the truth. The divinities thank. The misprints are alive. Triumphant knights of the reversal of artistic contemporaneity. Ursünde. No worries if computer underlines some words as mistaken.
Observe my errors. Listen to my sins. They are beautiful.

Alessandro Gasbarri


"Misprints". About Alessandro Gasbarri’s pleasant errors.

Alessandro Gasbarri starts up from colour, and I’m surprised by this after “Aufheben, getting over retaining”, his exhibition displayed last year in Frascati’s Scuderie Aldobrandini, where unnoticed objects, reassembled in a conceptual crescendo that gave them back a meaning, were the main characters of his works. An imperative urge of painting seemed then evident, mainly in the chromatic explosion of the three paintings “Social hypochondria. The Good, The Evil, The war”, a test of the remarkable expressive possibilities...


Product Details Hardback: 52 pages
Publisher: David Ghaleb Publisher (November 15, 2015)
Series: art catalogs
Language: Italian, English, German
ISBN-10: 8898178700
ISBN-13: 978-8898178704
Text critic Mark: Nocca (Prof. at Fine Arts Academy of Rome)
German translation: Ernst Reinhard Pfingst
English translation: Aldo Bandinelli
Photo: Davide Ghaleb